I love the little stories all around us that speak to our wonderful humanity. Today I went to the post office to drop something off, and the sign on the door said “It’s George’s Birthday”. I was excited to see that someone was having a birthday celebration. I went in, saw George, and got to tell him happy birthday.  He offered me a  cupcake, and shared that his manager had set up the cupcakes and decorations (balloons!). This is one little story, like so many others, that we all take part in (or pass right next to) each day. I love the little ways thatRead More →

The University of Connecticut (UConn) Library is fantastic, with wonderful people, locations, collections, and more. There’s a new story out about one item from the collections which is a 700-year-old medieval prayer book page. The page is used as part of a specimen collection in teaching, and its story of how it came to be at UConn takes a winding journey, connecting with many areas including medical humanities and a deep commitment to public access to important art. I love that the UConn Library’s Archives & Special Collections shares this in teaching, breathing new life and growing the story and connections of this and soRead More →

Pete and I have been in Connecticut for nearly a full year, and we spend a great deal of time hiking and exploring. It’s wonderful to meet new folks and new places, trails, trees, and waterways. As we wander, it’s also wonderful to be in touch with old friends. I’m trying again to be more on social media to support communication, and I’m embracing my confused social media presence. I’m writing this on my blog, knowing that it will pipe automatically to LinkedIn (where it seems a bit weird, yet works with lots of folks are connected), Facebook, and Mastodon. I’m also on Bluesky and InstagramRead More →

I have almost been in Connecticut for a full year. Pete and I moved here in February. Since then, I’ve been working as an Associate University Librarian (Associate Dean) in the UConn Library, and we’ve been exploring Connecticut and learning life as New Englanders. We’re loving exploring and learning about living in the north. Connecticut and UConn are wonderful, and it’s a process to start in a new place.  My mom, who had been in hospice since 2021, passed in June 2023. Supporting her had been like trying to control an ever-accelerating fall since 2016. I’m happy that she’s at peace. I’m super thankful forRead More →

I’m finally on Bluesky, and it seems good. I’m also back on Facebook and Instragram, but not really sure how those work for me. Hoping Bluesky stays on a good trajectory and that I get to see great folks there. Hoping! https://bsky.app/profile/laurien.bsky.socialRead More →

Solastalgia, related to nostalgia: “distress caused by environmental change… best described as the lived experience of negatively perceived environmental change” (Wikipedia). I find this to be a powerful concept. So, being not home, even when home, perhaps also Twitter, and once-homes with political change?Read More →

Working at the UConn Library is completely wonderful. For example, this week, we’ve had many discussions on gratitude practices. Following that, I’m writing  a bit here. I am thankful and happy for friends, family, and community. I am grateful for and greatly appreciate working with a fantastic team at UConn. I am also incredibly grateful to be in Connecticut. While we’ve had a few hot days, I love Connecticut weather and environment overall, with seasons, breezy and windy days. While Pete and I could someday move again, it will be within New England. We’ve found home and are looking forward to life in this region.Read More →

The full story is wonderful and all should read! I wanted to highlight the end: This BHS-dLOC-MIT Libraries partnership provides access to content not available through the existing subscription-based models and exemplifies MIT Libraries’ commitment to social justice and open, accessible, and equitable scholarship. It also constitutes a promising alternative model to providing access to content, exemplifying the Libraries’ vision. I super appreciate, respect, and share love and joy with BHS, dLOC, and MIT for this important work, for Libète, as well as for demonstrating an alternative model for providing access to content. Instead of many libraries each paying subscriptions, there is tremendous opportunity for librariesRead More →