The 2023 Summer Institute AI In Information Services – Implications, Applications and Added Value, organized jointly by the Department of Library and Information Studies, The University of the West Indies,  Mona, Jamaica and GO|School for Information, Netherlands, aims to bring together professionals from various fields to discuss and explore the impact of AI on information services. Join at this three-day online event on June 13, 14 & 15, 2023. For more information about the Summer Institute programme and to register, please visit the GO| School for Information Website And, see the flyer: DLIS – GO School for Information 2023 Summer Institute final flyer May 2, 2023Read More →

This weekend, Pete and I are again looking forward to learning more about Connecticut. This means readings to do, parks to explore, an awesome Know Your Farmer event to attend, and planning time for upcoming weekends. I love, love, love stuff like picking your own flowers and fruit, and soon it will be time for tulip pick your own!Read More →

Resharing the info on the book from the LibraryPress@UF site. Super duper cool that B is for Baldwin won silver in visual arts from the Florida Book Awards! Glad to have been part of the team in making and publishing the book! And, super thankful for B is for Baldwin because it is one of the books that informed development of the LibraryPress@UF. Congrats to all involved, especially the amazing designer and person Tracy MacKay-Ratliff! And, congrats to all, with B is for Baldwin being freely available online!Read More →

Pete and I (along with the doggos and cats) are all loving Connecticut. This weekend combines exciting plans of playing Diablo (video game, beta time, ultra fun last weekend and this), and then visiting the seaport town of Mystic, Connecticut. We are super looking forward to more explorations in Connecticut and New England, and welcome recommendations on places to go. We’re also enjoying staying home, and seeing the landscape change with the spring beginning. These are some crocus flowers in our yard. I just learned their name, and I think they are super beautiful, and super nice to share!  Read More →

I am joyous on this first day of spring! Pete and I are getting settled in Connecticut, I’m getting settled and learning tons about UConn, and it’s simply wonderful. I have so much to learn, and I am grateful for so many folks for sharing and teaching, about UConn as well as the local area, Connecticut, and New England. I am thankful for the warm welcomes and invitations to belonging. I don’t have much yet that is coherent to share on UConn (aside from that it is amazing!) with this being the intensive learning time to gain situation, context, and rhythm. I am still learningRead More →

As I pack in preparation to move from Gainesville, my home of 22 years (half of my life), I’ve been thinking about what Gainesville and UF have meant to me. It’s a lot. I don’t have totally coherent thoughts. I have strong feelings of joy for what these years have been for me and anticipatory joy for my future in Connecticut. I’ve been thinking about belonging and home, and what these mean about being in and with any given place. The robins just passed through Gainesville. I love seeing them in the air, and seeing all of the leaves, twigs, and berries they knock downRead More →

I’ve been working on understanding how to be a calmer person with a simple life. With adopting our second rescue pup (Olivia, who joins Gertie), we get to see them learn and play together. And, they need more support to be gentle with each other while ensorcelled with so much puppy energy. We’re doing more obedience training, and I started reading on dog-to-dog communication, and found a book on calming signals. For dogs, calming signals include yawning, licking lips, walking in a curve, play bows, and more. As Wikipedia explains: Calming signals is a term conceived by Norwegian dog trainer and canine ethologist, Turid Rugaas,Read More →

I am thrilled to share that I will soon be the Associate University Librarian for Collections & Discovery at the University of Connecticut! While this is bittersweet news because I have loved the people, communities, and work at the University of Florida and in the city of Gainesville, I share this with a joyous heart for the wonderful new opportunities as my career and life move north. At the University of Connecticut, I am joining an amazing team! I will be responsible for Acquisitions & Discovery, Archives and Special Collections, Digital Imaging and Conservation, and Collections Strategies. I am excited to learn and grow inRead More →

I infrequently make new year resolutions. This year, I resolve to see fireflies. I remember fireflies in Florida only rarely and many decades ago. I remember them well in more recent years in Georgia, Michigan, and Trinidad. I’ve talked a lot about fireflies in recent years, enough that folks have shared their stories of fireflies, and to learn that they are called cucullo in Spanish in Puerto Rico. I’ve asked folks who live in places with fireflies if they’ve seen them. In a few instances, my question clearly did not make sense, and instead of a simple “yes, last summer,” people gifted me with storiesRead More →