Florida Digital Newspaper Library – explore titles by County

The fabulous Digital Development Team continues to release regular enhancements for all 3 portals (UF Digital Collections, Digital Library of the Caribbean, and the Florida Digital Newspaper Library). With so much new since the start of 2022, I’m trying to keep up with writing on the new stuff here, for my own ease of reference… Continue reading Florida Digital Newspaper Library – explore titles by County

Updates to the UF Digital Collections, Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC), and Florida DIgital Newspaper Library

Work continues on the UF Digital Collections, Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC), and Florida DIgital Newspaper Library! Work to support these is now in 4 main areas, from Library Technology (in addition to so many other folks working!): Patron interface Ongoing production support (standard tool needs, loads of batch ingests especially newspapers, etc.) Production… Continue reading Updates to the UF Digital Collections, Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC), and Florida DIgital Newspaper Library

A Library Hero

Dr. Alma Jordan has passed. Dr. Jordan was one of the founders of the Association of Caribbean University, Research, and Institutional Libraries (ACURIL), as well as a founder for the national library association in Trinidad and Tobago, long-time librarian at the St. Augustine Campus of The University of the West Indies, and library leader all… Continue reading A Library Hero

Call for papers – ACURIL 2022, Curaçao

Call for papers – ACURIL 2022, Curaçao The information field in the Caribbean faces significant challenges and new trends that have made the libraries forge into new directions for the future. In order to expand reflection and debate on all changes encountered in the libraries, the Association of Caribbean Universities, Research and Institutional Libraries (ACURIL) is… Continue reading Call for papers – ACURIL 2022, Curaçao

Alpha is Alive! New UFDC, dLOC, and first-ever Florida Digital Newspaper Library stand-alone site

We still have some pending corrections (handling for private items to not display, and restricted items to display a message on restriction, the collections pages on dLOC and UFDC, etc.). Work is going and those will be fixed soon. With that said: I am super thrilled to share that the alpha versions of the new… Continue reading Alpha is Alive! New UFDC, dLOC, and first-ever Florida Digital Newspaper Library stand-alone site

Sharing good news! Press release: University Press of Florida Receives NEH Grant to Publish Diverse Stories of America

Posting the happy news in full from the email from the University Press of Florida! FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 4, 2021 University Press of Florida Receives NEH Grant to Publish Diverse Stories of America Gainesville, Fla.—The University Press of Florida has received a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) to expand the Press’s publications in African American Studies (AAS) and Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACS). The grant will support the Press’s project “Exploring Diverse Stories of America through Humanities… Continue reading Sharing good news! Press release: University Press of Florida Receives NEH Grant to Publish Diverse Stories of America

LibraryPress@UF announces publication of Dear Dordo: The World War II Letters of Dorothy and John D. MacDonald

John D. MacDonald was a prolific writer, authoring 78 books that have sold more than 70 million copies. Many of his novels published in the 1950’s were set in Florida, as were several of his 450 short stories and the well-known Travis McGee series. Dear Dordo: The World War II Letters of Dorothy and John D.… Continue reading LibraryPress@UF announces publication of Dear Dordo: The World War II Letters of Dorothy and John D. MacDonald

RLUK-AHRC Report on the Scoping Study: The role of academic and research libraries as active participants and leaders in the production of scholarly research

RLUK and AHRC have released the report on the scoping study, The role of academic and research libraries as active participants and leaders in the production of scholarly research. This excellent report is fully available online: https://www.rluk.ac.uk/rluk-publishes-report-on-the-role-of-research-libraries-in-the-production-of-scholarly-research/ I super highly recommend that folks read the full report. That said, I know many of us under… Continue reading RLUK-AHRC Report on the Scoping Study: The role of academic and research libraries as active participants and leaders in the production of scholarly research

Pilot to Program: UFLib Domains

Like many other universities, the Libraries at UF are using Reclaim Hosting’s Domain of One’s Own to solve the “website problem” where folks need a website that does not fit the overall infrastructural support framework (needs like: site with a design that isn’t institutional, WordPress instance for a blog, various technologies for digital scholarship, and… Continue reading Pilot to Program: UFLib Domains