Thanks to Alex Gil for sending the reminder below to the Global Outlooks :: Digital Humanities (GO::DH) email list about the upcoming Rewriting Wikipedia Project which will be this Friday, April 26, from 1-3pm EST.
[Español] Por este medio les recuerdo que el próximo Viernes, Abril 26, el proyecto Reescribe Wikipedia (parte del #dhpoco) patrocina su primer evento, con el tema “Maratón de escritura de la mujer global.” Para más información hemos creado una página en español en GO::DH. No se olviden de inscribirse y usar los hashtags en Twitter.
[English] A reminder that next Friday, April 26, the Rewriting Wikipedia Project will hold its first global event. The theme of the event will be “Global Women Write-in.” We would love it if you can spread the word in your language of choice and through your local networks. Let me know if you would like to translate the announcement for the GO::DH site. I will also be happy to share your translations with my own networks.