Brood! A word for horror films and awesome cicadas

Experts at UConn do amazing work on cicadas, including digitally imaging and visualizing cicadas. UConn shared an article covering this awesome work, which covers “an innovative process is making 3D data of cicadas available to the world, just in time for this year’s rare co-emergence of Brood XIX and Brood XIII.”

I love seeing amazing work like this, which has evolved over time with Michael Bennett’s intensive insights into imaging. Michael leads the UConn Library’s Digital Imaging Lab, and has continued to develop and refine advanced imaging techniques, working with North African stone points, cicadas, and more.

I am always excited and curious to learn more about innovative and insighful imaging processes. It’s a big plus that this project is on cicadas, which are interesting in themselves and which give us more opportunities to talk about broods (I love anything that harkens old horror) and about collective cultural experiences like cicada emergences.

Check out the fantastically chill and awesome video of one of the cicadas by the UConn Library Communication & Marketing team: