The UF Digital Library Center has a number of homegrown tools for digitization, and we’ve refined these tools working with our partners in the Digital Library of the Caribbean. Our digitization tools for the digitization process are available online with general documentation as well as a full manual with tools available for download.  We also have documentation on our servers and general infrastructure as well as on our internal equipment and our day-to-day operations. Much of this was created in response to our small team and for the Digital Library of the Caribbean, and some of it comes from our ever-changing needs and operations. InRead More →

The Alice and Wonderland Special Collections exhibit is coming along nicely. We have almost all of the images ready for the posters and most of the text ready for the exhibit cases. I’ve loaded small versions of the images into Picasa for easy reference and the image above is a screenshot of the thumbnails in Picasa. All of the images are online here. The exhibit will be up October 15 – December 15, but the most fun part, the tea party, is November 7. We should soon have a white rabbit running about, leading to the exhibit.Read More →