Below is my draft for my conference paper for ACURIL. I’m sharing because I love that I get to work with wonderful people on wonderful projects, and to do so in generous and generative ways. I’m also super thankful for recent work, like that by Kathleen Fitzpatrick, that advocates and explains how we can all… Continue reading Mutual Aid, Generous Thinking, Shine Theory, Polycentrism: How dLOC Works & How I Always Want to Work/Be
Category: Research & Projects
Brief Notes from Roopika Risam's fantastic book: New Digital Worlds: Postcolonial Digital Humanities in Theory, Praxis, and Pedagogy.
My brief notes are below. I am excited for whenever I teach DH or anything next, because I know that this is the book I will get to teach and explore with–the book is simply fantastic! This should be required reading for all graduate students, and others. It weaves together technology, complexity, and what the… Continue reading Brief Notes from Roopika Risam's fantastic book: New Digital Worlds: Postcolonial Digital Humanities in Theory, Praxis, and Pedagogy.
Mutual Aid, looking for popular books; book notes: Heffernan, Margaret. A Bigger Prize: How We Can Do Better than the Competition. New York: PublicAffairs, 2014.
Below are my book notes for Margaret Heffernan’s A Bigger Prize. I learned about this book when discussing mutual aid with my colleague, Bonnie Smith, who is an expert in HR and sustainability. She mentioned Heffernan’s TED Talk, which is quite good, where Heffernan covers the failures of zero-sum competition, which reduces everyone’s individual achievement and loses… Continue reading Mutual Aid, looking for popular books; book notes: Heffernan, Margaret. A Bigger Prize: How We Can Do Better than the Competition. New York: PublicAffairs, 2014.
I'm now Chair of Digital Partnerships & Strategies; and UF is hiring for Head of Latin American & Caribbean Collections – Come work with us!
I’m now Chair of Digital Partnerships & Strategies, a new department. The Digital Partnerships & Strategies Department provides leadership for digital partnerships between the Smathers Libraries and partners across the university, regionally, nationally, and internationally. DP&S provides program development and manages program operations for Scholarly Communications, the LibraryPress@UF, and the Institutional Repository (IR@UF), ensuring alignment… Continue reading I'm now Chair of Digital Partnerships & Strategies; and UF is hiring for Head of Latin American & Caribbean Collections – Come work with us!
Solastalgia "a corrupted form of nostalgia"
Thanks to In These Times for sharing a term new to me, solastagia. The term is in the August 28, 2018 article by Elizabeth Catte “How Fallout 76 Can Help Us Rebuild West Virginia,” where the term is used in relation to videogames, memory, and nostalgia. The article is highly recommended reading for everyone for many reasons.… Continue reading Solastalgia "a corrupted form of nostalgia"
My Notes on three books: Roots and Flowers: The Life and Work of the Afro-Cuban Librarian Marta Terry González; Labor Rising: The Past and Future of Working People in America; and Shop Class as Soulcraft
I’m generally reading several books at once, depedning on location with different print books in different places (home, office, gym bag because before class is time to read if emails are handled and work is under control, and then always online readings to be done). I also am generally reading for projects and for serendipity.… Continue reading My Notes on three books: Roots and Flowers: The Life and Work of the Afro-Cuban Librarian Marta Terry González; Labor Rising: The Past and Future of Working People in America; and Shop Class as Soulcraft