Monday, 19 March 2012, Smathers 1A, 4:00-5:00pm Presentation by Brett Bobley, Director, NEH’s Office of Digital Humanities All faculty, students, and staff are invited to a virtual presentation and Q&A with Brett Bobley, Director of the NEH’s Office of Digital Humanities (ODH), who will speak about the development of the ODH, its current funding programs, and future trajectories. There will be time for a Q&A. Those planning to attend are advised to read Brett Bobley’s Feb. 1, 2009 interview with HASTAC scholars Kathleen Smith and Michael Gavin, which gives a helpful introduction to the roles played by digital technologies in the context of humanities scholarship: This eventRead More →

News from the NEH ODH Update: Greetings digital humanities friends! Each year, we fund a series of exciting digital humanities institutes. These are a wonderful opportunity to learn about how to incorporate digital methods into your teaching and research. Past attendees always tell us that these institutes were an incredible experience – truly, we receive comments back like “career-changing” and “best academic experience of my life.” In most cases, you will apply to attend an institute and it will include reimbursement for travel and lodging. Most are open to faculty, grad students, #altac folks, etc. So please apply – but do so soon! Most ofRead More →

News from the Florida Archivist Newsletter: FREE ARCHIVAL WORKSHOPS FOR ARCHIVISTS, LIBRARIANS AND MUSEUM STAFF WORKING IN FLORIDA’S CULTURAL HERITAGE REPOSITORIES Florida will host four FREE Society of American Archivists workshops (SAA) this year thanks to a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Over the past nine years, several Florida repositories and institutions have partnered in an initiative called Opening Archives in Florida, which provides education and training to archivists and others who care for historical records. In December, the Opening Archives team was awarded an NEH Preservation and Access Education and Training Grant to support our statewide education and training program, AdvancingRead More →

News Release: Flagler receives prestigious ‘Save America’s Treasures’ grant (December 17, 2009) St. Augustine, Fla. — Flagler College recently received a prestigious grant to help preserve drawings from the architects of the treasured National Historic Landmark Hotel Ponce de Leon. Flagler College President William T. Abare Jr., Ed.D., announced receipt of the prestigious “Save America’s Treasures” (SAT) grant administered through the National Endowment for the Humanities. The Saving St. Augustine’s Architectural Treasures project, a partnership with the University of Florida Libraries, will conserve and digitally preserve an irreplaceable collection of the earliest architectural drawings of John Carrère (1858-1911) and Thomas Hastings (1860-1929), the designers ofRead More →

Brown University’s Center for Digital Scholarship ( (CDS) and the John Nicholas Brown Center for Public Humanities and Cultural Heritage ( (JNBC) are seeking individuals to apply for a fellowship to direct the digital aspects of the Fox Point Community History Project. The digital fellow will work with faculty and staff in both the CDS and JNBC as well as other Brown faculty and students undertaking related work to develop an online public history resource that incorporates oral history, primary documents (photographs, letters, clippings), geospatial data, documentary film, statistical data and other materials. This multidimensional, interactive framework will provide avenues for both scholarly and publicRead More →

Chronicling America, the amazing historical newspaper digital collection from the Library of Congress and NEH, has added “Topics“. With over a million pages of historical newspapers online, “Topics” are an essential need–helping users who aren’t sure what they’re looking for find a way into so much content and helping to showcase some of the highlights of so much great content for all users. Some of the topics that include Florida content (as the Interim Director for the University of Florida Digital Library Center, which supports the Florida Digital Newspaper Library, the ones with Florida content are those of greatest interest to me): Baseball’s Modern WorldRead More →

On Dec. 11, the National Digital Newspaper Program added 183,698 historic newspaper pages (including 14 new titles) to the Chronicling America Web site, hosted by the Library of Congress. The site now provides free and open access to 864,509 pages from 108 titles, that were published in 9 states (CA, FL, KY, MN, NE, NY, TX, UT, VA) and the District of Columbia between 1880 and 1910. Six additional states–Arizona, Hawaii, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Washington–will be contributing content in 2009. Chronicling America is a project of the National Digital Newspaper Program, a partnership between the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Library ofRead More →

The title says it all–or as much as can be said with any brevity. The University of Florida Digital Collections (UFDC) now have 3 million pages! Or to be exact 3,012,406 which means that since October 4 we’ve added over 500,000 pages and that we’ve added a full million pages since July. Our largest collection is the Baldwin Library of Historical Children’s Literature Digital Collection, which now has 749,686 pages. The Baldwin’s many pages have been digitized through NEH grants and the current grant is coming to a close so we’ll see comparatively fewer books load in the near future, but the many wonders ofRead More →

UF’s Digital Library Center is currently loading more historic newspapers into UFDC (the University of Florida Digital Collections) and they look incredible! The newspaper here is The Weekly Miami Metropolis from June 26, 1908. Even though it’s over 100 years old, it’s one of the more recent issues from the historic papers being loaded. Like many of the historic papers, it features a political cartoon prominently on the first page. This and many other newspapers were digitized through the “Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers” joint program by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Library of Congress. I’m still only beginning to explore theseRead More →