I’m working on the slides for the partner preview of the new dLOC site, to launch November 29. In preparing these, there are so many changes! First, dLOC is now several websites:
- Patron site, www.dLOC.com – this is the one that will be new
- Program Documentation, https://dloc.domains.uflib.ufl.edu/ – in process for documentation updates
- Technical Documentation, https://guides.uflib.ufl.edu/dloctech
All of these used to be on the patron website, which was cumbersome and less usable after dLOC grew to so much content and so many partners. Also, some production tools and user tools are integrated into the current website. Those will change, to have a patron/user system and fully separate production system for the first time. For almost all partners, this won’t feel like a change, because production now relies on a spreadsheet template and files transferred using cloud storage.
The user tools are another change. dLOC’s myDLOC user tools started around 2010, and support users in saving items to bookshelves and saving searches. These sorts of functions were popular and common in digital libraries. Now, tools like Zotero and Hypothes.is are super robust and offer loads of functionality for citation, reference collection, and collaborative annotation. These are fantastic resources that I highly recommend for folks doing research and using digital libraries. I just shared the links below with the technical contacts for dLOC partners, and am sharing here because these are so useful, and it’s great for me to have these links at hand for ongoing sharing.
Hypothes.is for web annotations. Collaborative annotation makes reading active, visible, and social, enabling students to engage with their texts, teachers, ideas, and each other in deeper, more meaningful ways. Upcoming webinars:
- 3 Aug, 9-10am PDT: https://web.hypothes.is/event/hypothesis-101-2/
- 12 Aug. 12-1pm PDT: https://web.hypothes.is/event/hypothesis-101-3/
- 18 Aug. 1-2pm PDT: https://web.hypothes.is/event/hypothesis-101-4/
Zotero is a free, easy-to-use tool to help youcollect, organize, cite, and share research. Resources:
- Zotero is on version 5, and there are videos here: https://www.google.com/search?q=zotero&biw=1916&bih=1483&source=lnt&tbs=cdr%3A1%2Ccd_min%3A7%2F10%2F2017%2Ccd_max%3A&tbm=vid
- Plus, loads of documentation: https://www.zotero.org/support/