Reframing Digital Humanities by Julian Chambliss, an OER Text

Julian Chambliss’ awesome Reframing Digital Humanities series 2 podcast is now also an OER text! The full volume is online:

From Chambliss’ “Introduction”:

Reframing History was inspired by the idea of providing a public narrative about work rooted in the community and relying on digital practice. Season one of Reframing History documented our efforts to tell that local history story and called my attention to how the challenge of definition around digital humanities, which is understood somewhat within academia, is a worthwhile public scholarship project. Thus, season 2 of Reframing History became a series of conversations with scholars about digital humanities. To create the list of interviewees, I relied on my own digital past and present. As such, I cannot argue that the conversations are encyclopedic or vital actors that might define digital humanities in meaningful ways were not omitted. If you are coming to this project searching for certainty, you will be disappointed. What I can say is, within the confines of the limitations of my knowledge and experience with digital humanities practice, this set of conversations touched on many of the issues I find to be crucial to understanding the values of digital humanities.

The conversations in Part I: Visioning Digital Humanities were with Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Rob Nelson, Sharon Leon, and Kathryn Tomasek and they offer through their experience a framing of the hope for the digital to enhance the public’s engagement with the humanities comes into view.  Part II: Identity and Digital Humanities highlights how recovering voices and surfacing patterns in our collective lived experience can be achieved through digital means. Scholars such as Maryemma Graham, Hilary Green, Dhanashree Thorat, and Roopika Risam are doing that work and offer crucial perspectives on the ideas that drive them and the implications for public knowledge. Part III: Cultural Reproduction and Digital Humanities offer a way to think about how that public knowledge equation manifest as scholars utilize the digital to further their work.  Concluding this work with a conversation with the members of CEDAR seems both appropriate and timely. Our discussion about what DH can do continues the process of visioning we are doing. I think we all recognize the impact of the COVID pandemic will be with us for years to come, and the place digital humanities will play in the future needs to be considered carefully.

As a transcript derived from a recording, I hope you will recognize that we took pains to try to maintain the integrity of the subject’s words while attempting to make a conversation understood in written form. In the end, I think we managed to accomplish the goal of archiving these meaningful conversations.

This is a super fantastic new volume for folks teaching and researching in DH, with accessible chapters representing different interview discussions and projects that speak to the diversity of the field and specific projects and perspectives. I am super excited to see this out, and to see what will build and come from this!