Little Bits of Joy: Web Migration

The Libraries at UF are in the process of our first full web migration, which is super complicated because the website has been up since the 1990s (and some of the pages are still of that vintage). Circa 2012, the Libraries started on a process to move to the first content management system (CMS!), and selected DotNetNuke based on the Microsoft orientation of other resources. Now, in 2020, our web presence includes many sites:

  • Main website: flat HTML + DotNetNuke
  • LibGuides (and other SpringShare tools like LibCal for events, and so on)
  • UF Digital Collections
  • ArchivesSpace
  • ReclaimHosting, for the Libraries’ blogs and collaborative digital scholarship
  • Lots of small databases for bibliographic needs

Many of these are perfect as they are. But, we have a huge need to migrate the main site from DotNetNuke (we’re still on the 2012 version) and we’re moving that now to WordPress. We expect to have this main push completed in August, and then we’ll focus on updates to the flat HTML pages, and we’ll continue to develop overall coherence and consistency for the total web presence. For just this first push, the fantastic Web Team has removed/delinked hundreds of old/outdated pages, made several new pages, and updated language and contextual information across the site so that the site is more usable and useful. I am thrilled to see the new subsites (at the department/area level) go live. And, today, the Digital Partnerships & Strategies Deaprtment site went live, joining many others including Library Technology Services!

This is a joy to see, so writing about it to share the joy!