Procedural Equity, Top Posting for 2014

With Jetpack, WordPress offers handy reports on usage statistics, including a nice annual summary.  Usage reports are complicated and I don’t intend to take or present these as completely and wholly accurate, but data gathering on usage online has improved over the years and the data is already quite useful.  In reviewing my annual usage report on Jetpack, I was surprised to see that my 2013 posting on Procedural Equity (thanks to Brian Keith for teaching me the term) remains the most popular.
It was wonderful to see that my post was popular on the digitization and online access to El Mundo from Puerto Rico in the Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC)–this is an amazing resource and people should know about it. Overall, the report reinforced what I already know in that I need to spend more time on Twitter and in conversation with folks.  Most of my time this past year and for much of 2015 looks likely to be spent in meetings, emails, reports, proposals, or managing and teaching on projects.  I’m working to make changes so that Fall 2015 can be a different model, which hopefully includes more time for teaching and research overall, including more time for joining conversations on Twitter and elsewhere.
Happy New Year!