The announcement below is from the Centernet email list. This is great news, and I look forward to seeing more venues support the review of digital projects in the humanities and other fields!
The editorial team of centerNet’s new DHCommons journal is thrilled to request submissions for its inaugural issue. We seek mid-stage digital projects who wish peer review and feedback that will contribute to the project’s development.
Project teams are asked to submit a “project statement” that will be used by the reviewers. The project statement will be published in the journal, alongside the reviews. Project teams are invited to recommend reviewers for their project if they wish. Reviewers will take into consideration both the project statement and the actual project. Projects will be assessed for both their form (technical aspects) and content (humanities content). The project statement should describe how the project contributes to its field(s) and in what ways the digital methods and modes of presentation address larger academic issues. More detailed information about DHCommons‘ Vision, Submission Policies, and Review Policies can be found at
DHCommons editors will be ready and willing to answer questions and work with project directors as they craft these materials, particularly for those submitting to this first issue, which will be by necessity experimental.
Submissions are due by August 15, 2014 for publication of the first issue in late Fall 2014.
DHCommons invites project statements in a wide variety of languages. We have an international Advisory Board and will work with authors towards finding reviewers in the appropriate language.
The DHCommons journal aims to support digital humanities scholarship by providing peer review for mid-stage digital projects. DHCommons will make visible the important work that often goes unseen in the midst of DH project development and help DH scholars claim departmental, disciplinary, and institutional credit for that labor. DHCommons intends to provide the robust and recognizable system of academic credit that scholars require.
The DHCommons journal is a centerNet publication, sponsored by ADHO (Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations), supported by DARIAH (the European Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities), and published by Anvil Academic Press. The founding Co-Editors-in Chief are Ryan Cordell (Northeastern University), Isabel Galina (UNAM) and Laurent Romary (Inria) with Quinn Dombrowski (UC Berkeley) as technical editor. The Editorial Board includes Anne Baillot (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), Cheryl E. Ball (West Virginia University), Marin Dacos (Centre pour l’édition électronique ouverte), Rebecca Frost Davis (St. Edward’s College), Jason Ensor (University of Western Sydney), Jieh Hsiang (National Taiwan University), Tara McPherson (University of Southern California), Rafael Pérez y Pérez (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Cuajimalpa), Torsten Reimer (Imperial College London), Roopika Risam (Salem State University), Geoffrey Rockwell (University of Alberta), and Patrick Sahle (University of Cologne).
RT @laurien: DHCommons CFP: Great news for peer review of digital scholarship projects in the humanities!
RT @laurien: DHCommons CFP: Great news for peer review of digital scholarship projects in the humanities!