UF Event: Data Mining & Digital Poetics Demo Day, April 23, 2015

Data Mining & Digital Poetics Demo Day
Thursday, April 23, 4–7 PM
Marston Library Conference & Visualization Room (L136)
“Data Mining & Digital Poetics,” a new graduate seminar team-taught by Professors Alin Dobra (CISE) and Terry Harpold (English) will host an end-of semester Demo Day on April 23, from 4–7 PM in the Marston Library Conference & Visualization Room (L136).
Students in the seminar, from the Departments of Art + Art History, Computer & Information Science & Engineering, and English, will demonstrate final projects showcasing intersections of large-scale data research methods, data visualization, digital poetics, and literary practice. The original and intriguing projects include:

  • A self-propagating labyrinth generated from the art and poetry of British poet and printmaker William Blake, which the user navigates as in a first person shooter videogame;
  • A responsive three dimensional concordance of American poet Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass, visualizing and aggregating subtle textual connections between the book’s more than 400 poems;
  • A mutable cartographic and textual projection of the (non)translatability of 250 popular proverbs in Arabic, Chinese, English, Hindi, and Russian;
  • A pinball videogame that builds English-language haiku from fragments sourced from Twitter feeds;
  • A manipulable network visualization of the poems of Emily Dickinson that generates new poem variants in real time by way of computer voice misrecognition.
  • Projects demonstrations will run continuously and in parallel during the three hour block. Light refreshments will be served. Visitors may come and go at any time. Please join us for an afternoon of engaging and entertaining conversations about the practices of programming and poetics!

“Data Mining & Digital Poetics” is supported by an Interdisciplinary Team-Teaching in the Humanities Grant from the UF Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere. For more information, contact Terry Harpold <tharpold@ufl.edu>.