We’ve frequently heard requests from internal users and patrons for a flipbook style view. In researching options, the Gnubook’s javascript-based page turner looked best and the Library of Congress came out with a clean implementation in October that was easy to emulate. Mark Sullivan, programmer for SobekCM, reviewed it and added the view in under a day. The new view is enabled within SobekCM so all collections, including the UF Digital Collections and the Digital Library of the Caribbean, have it enabled. The flipbook view is active for the entire Baldwin Library of Historical Children’s Literature Digital Collection and this is an example: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00089012/00001/pageturner TheRead More →

The Webby Award winners and nominees for 2008 are out and one of the nominees was “The Calligraphic World of Mi Fu’s Art” from the National Palace Museum, and it’s on calligraphy. UF’s Digital Collections don’t have as much related material as we’d like (but we’re digitizing 100,000 pages a month so we’ll get there), but we do have the 24-volume set of “Qin ding xi Qing gu jian” and we made a few pages into a Flash flipbook to help display the beauty of the volumes. Jane Pen has been instrumental in getting “Qin ding xi Qing gu jian” digitized and she’ll be visitingRead More →

I’ve been looking at different tools to allow users to flip through books, in the pretty and easy style of Flash flip books like this one and this one. I made both of these in Flash (editing a template that was freely available online from here), but I’m not a good enough Flash translator to make this do what I’d like it to. I’d like the files to auto-resize to a maximum fixed width to make it easier to automate nice looking versions of the flipbooks. Also, I’d like a simplified version of the files so that I can easily add special components for booksRead More →