“Collaborating with Strangers: Facilitating Workshops in Libraries, Classes, and Nonprofits”
Webinar on August 17, 1pm ET
Below is from the ALA press release:
Interaction with strangers cultivates creativity and provides opportunities for joining forces to achieve great ends. However, most people tend to avoid talking or working with people they do not know, whether in the library, a classroom, or in academic and nonprofit settings. And to do so is to short-circuit much of the creative potential that is so necessary for innovation, and that organizational stakeholders crave. Enter CoLAB, a workshop developed and presented by Bess G. de Farber at workshops across the country, and used by de Farber and April Hines to successfully spur collaboration at the University of Florida.
Join us at 1 p.m. Eastern on Friday, August 17 for “Collaborating with Strangers: Facilitating Workshops in Libraries, Classes, and Nonprofits,” a free, 60-minute webinar led by Bess G. de Farber and April Hines, who will discuss how CoLABs have connected people to new networks and resources. You’ll gain an understanding of how CoLABs have been used in communities to reveal hidden assets as well as guidance on how their How-To-Do-It Manual can be used to facilitate these workshops. Be sure to bring your questions! Tune in to this free 60-minute webcast on Friday, August 17, 2018 to learn more. You can register here.
About the Presenters
Bess G. de Farber, a nonprofit management specialist, is the grants manager for the University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries. Author of “Collaborative Grant-Seeking: A Practical Guide for Librarians,” she has provided grantsmanship instruction throughout the past 28 years and has led efforts to secure millions in grant funding for nonprofits and academic libraries. April Hines is the journalism and mass communications librarian for the University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries. She has participated on several grant projects and leads the Collaborating with Strangers In and Outside Mass Communications project sponsored by Procter & Gamble.