APPLY TO AN OBJECT LESSONS WORKSHOP, Sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities, due June 30, 2017

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National Endowment for the Humanities

How can scholars and nonfiction authors write for broader audiences while maintaining intellectual rigor and developing their academic profiles?
This NEH institute is designed for academics and writers who seek to write and publish for broad audiences, particularly about contemporary technology, everyday objects, and digital culture. The institute’s workshops—geared to scholars as well as nonfiction writers from across disciplines—aim to better equip participants to pitch their ideas and publish their writing in venues that exist fruitfully between both traditional academic and trade publishing routes.
The workshops are hosted by Dr. Ian Bogost and Dr. Christopher Schaberg, founding editors of the Object Lessons essay and book series published by The Atlantic and Bloomsbury. Bogost and Schaberg—along with guest authors, editors, and publishers—will help participants navigate the new frontiers of academic publishing and increasing pressures on the academy to make its work legible to broad audiences.
There will be four venues around the country. To apply to any of the workshops, please see the workshop website.