My Upcoming Conferences and Travels

"Librarian on a Boat" or Digital Scholarship, Caribbean Studies, and the Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC): Alternative Sabbatical Proposal for 2016-2017As with most of us, I’ve got a busy schedule with lots of conferences and meetings this summer. I’m posting my travels in case there might be other project or meeting opportunities during some of the time.
Also, I’ll soon be posting a lot more about upcoming travel with my “alternative sabbatical” being awarded for next year (“Librarian on a Boat” or Digital Scholarship, Caribbean Studies, and the Digital Library of the Caribbean, dLOC: Alternative Sabbatical Proposal for 2016-2017). The “alternative sabbatical” is a test program at UF–I’m very grateful for it!–that allows people to take the normal time off or some variation, plus ask for funding. Because so much of my work is socio-technical infrastructure, and because that will be my focus for at least the next 5-10 years, taking too much time away would be a problem. At the same time, I need to visit dLOC partners and others to talk about digital scholarship (digital humanities, data science, whatever we’re calling it) and what we mean for that for Caribbean Studies and libraries. Thankfully, my alternative sabbatical, where I won’t be away from work, except for travel time, has been awarded and so I have funding for 7 trips to places with Caribbean collections and academic programs, to meet with folks at the different locations and learn.
Upcoming Travels