CFP: Works and Days, Issue on Comic Books (Proposals due July 1, 2013)

Call for Proposals: An Issue of Works and Days
Guest Editors: Gian Pagnucci and Alex Romagnoli (Indiana University of Pennsylvania; Authors of Enter the Superheroes, Forthcoming from Scarecrow Publishing)
We invite proposals for an issue of Works and Days that will focus on how comic books have impacted education and culture. We are interested in a broad range of articles that look at how comic books and graphic novels influence contemporary thought. Topics of potential interest include:

  • Theoretical analyses of the cultural influence of comics and comic characters
  • Pedagogical articles that focus on comic books as tools for teaching and learning
  • Examinations of the importance of the superhero comic genre
  • Cultural and critical analyses of trends in comic publishing
  • Explorations of educational resistance to comic use
  • Empirical studies of comic book readers and writers
  • Other topics that link comic books to education and culture

Proposal Guidelines:
Please send abstracts in 300 words or less for your proposed article. Proposals should include your title and institutional affiliation. Proposals should be submitted as Microsoft Word documents. A peer review process will be used to select proposals and articles for inclusion in the journal.
Submit Proposals To:
Gian Pagnucci
Department of English
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Proposals Due:
July 1, 2013
Articles Due:
February 1, 2014
Works and Days Website: