UFDC facets, citation links, & descriptions! More coming soon!

The University of Florida Digital Collections (UFDC) are always improving. Most of our current improvements at the moment are from moving servers to newer, more stable equipment (and making updates required from the server move). Despite the time that the server move requires, listed below are some of our recent and particularly great new enhancements to share!
The University of Florida Digital Collections (UFDC) now has facets to help refine searches and browses by language, subject terms, and more. See this page for an example http://ufdcweb1.uflib.ufl.edu/ufdc/?a=fdnl1&m=lbball
Citation Links
Key components of the citations for each item are now also linked for easy searching, as in this example.
User Contributed Descriptions
UFDC now allows for user contributed descriptions. The descriptions can be activated for any collection (they’re turned off by default). When activated, this allows any logged in user to add a description to an item. The description is added in a note field, and the username and date that the description was added are automatically added as well.
Coming Soon
The next project (aside from the server move and related updates) is EAC/EAD integration. That’s expected soon and more details will be available as it gets closer to implementation.