The University of Florida Digital Collections have 3 million pages, and counting!

Army AlphabetLe Matin in the Digital Library of the CaribbeanThe title says it all–or as much as can be said with any brevity. The University of Florida Digital Collections (UFDC) now have 3 million pages!
Or to be exact 3,012,406 which means that since October 4 we’ve added over 500,000 pages and that we’ve added a full million pages since July. Our largest collection is the Baldwin Library of Historical Children’s Literature Digital Collection, which now has 749,686 pages. The Baldwin’s many pages have been digitized through NEH grants and the current grant is coming to a close so we’ll see comparatively fewer books load in the near future, but the many wonders of the Baldwin’s beautifully illustrated children’s books have so much to explore that there’s always something more to see. The Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC) is the next largest with 568,139 pages contributed by the many dLOC partners, including the University of Florida Libraries. The third largest is the Florida Digital Newspaper Library with 491,330 pages of Florida newspapers, historic to current.
We won’t be loading as much soon–with holiday vacations and closing days–but we’ll continue to see more pages and wonders load even if at a slightly slower pace.