1.92 Million, with More Loading Tonight

Photo taken in Haiti for dLOCOn June 6, I posted about the University of Florida Digital Collection (UFDC) statistics. At that time, UFDC included 55,072 titles with 74,341 items and 1,896,811 pages. UFDC has been growing by an average of 100,000 pages pages a month, and I was hopeful that we could–even if by only a small margin–surpass that rate from April 20 to June 20. I’m happy to note that we’ve done it!
As of April 20, the UF Digital Collections had 1.718 million pages. With today’s load on June 19, even before the evening loading occurs, we have 1.92 million pages.
The University of Florida Digital Collections now include 55,352 titles with 74,893 items and 1,925,734 pages!
We’re fighting to get to the 2 million page mark as quickly as possible, and we hope to make it by July 15.
Even if we don’t make it by July 15, we’ll make it soon. In the process, we hope to load new materials that we’re scanning on a daily basis and older materials like the photo to left taken over a year ago, and many early materials digitized for preservation that were not loaded online. Since UF has been digitizing to meet preservation needs since 1999, it means we have quite the archives to finalize for online-digital access instead of just CD-digital access. It’s exciting to see so much new and old, and I can’t wait to see and to share what all our digital-offline archives hold!