100,000 pages a month

The University of Florida Digital Collections are still relatively young, established separately only recently. Since March 23 of this year, we’ve added another 100,000 pages, up from 1.62 million on March 23 and now we’re at 1.718 million (and counting) and it’s only April 20. The full stats–as of today–are: 53,682 titles; 70,323 items; and 1,718,050 pages. Our statistics are dynamically updated, listed online here, and the statistics are broken down by collection.
The statistics are a handy gauge of how our collections are developing, but they can’t reflect the quality of materials online. For reflecting a more complete sense of the materials online, new items are shown on a regular (daily to every few days) on the “browse new items” view, available here and dynamically updated with new items.


  1. Hai,
    I am delighted to read the kind of massive degitisation taking place at
    Uni Flo. How the copy right problem is tackled beats me. i will be grateful if i am enlightened. Also what are all the common problems that one has to encounter may be highlighted. Thanks

  2. The historic materials (early 1800s and before) are out of copyright, and even some recent materials have fallen out of copyright.
    For materials in copyright, we request permissions following our normal guidelines, which are listed here. We only request Internet distribution permissions, so the copyright owners still own all of their rights, they’re just sharing them for others to access. So many materials are frail and in danger of being lost that this is a service for the copyright holders and for the world because it gives all of us access to the materials. Newer materials could be a problem, but we’ve targeted preservation needs and have had great support from copyright holders who want to give us permissions.

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